descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
ownerArjen Baart
last changeThu, 7 Jan 2021 06:21:37 +0000 (07:21 +0100)
2021-01-07 Arjen BaartAdapted to ACL master
2019-10-23 Arjen BaartAdapted to the changed format of the bank CSV files.
2019-05-05 Arjen BaartAdded loan and interest calculations
2019-05-05 Arjen BaartCode cleanup
2011-05-18 Arjen BaartRemove the trailing \r and trailing blanks from the...
2011-05-18 Arjen BaartAdded the scanning of command line arguments.
2011-01-14 Arjen BaartBugfix: read_journal() keeps reading beyonf EOF.
2010-12-29 Arjen BaartPrepared for release 1.4
2010-12-29 Arjen BaartBug fixes in Ledger::read()
2010-12-27 Arjen BaartAdded experimental cashflow analysis stylesheet.
2010-12-23 Arjen BaartImproved Postscript output handling.
2010-12-21 Arjen BaartAdded a 'companyname' attribute in the Ledger.
2010-11-09 Arjen BaartTest comment removed
2010-11-09 Eric Noortadded comment to the account.h
2010-11-05 Arjen BaartAdded begin and end dates of the booking period
2010-11-04 Arjen BaartInitial revision of account
3 years ago master