AXE Tutorial

Arjen Baart <>

July 24, 2002

Document Information
Version 0.2
Organization Andromeda Technology & Automation

Table Of Contents

1 Introduction

2 A minimal AXE application

1 Introduction

The Andromeda X-Windows Encapsulation (AXE) is a C++ class library which encapsulates the X Windows library (Xlib). Classical programming with Xlib is rather cumbersome to say the least. The Xlib calls are rather complicated and often require many parameters that can more easily be stored in objects. Also, the classical event loop present in most X applications is something you don't want to reinvent every time. That sort of thing is better left to a framework which provides you with more easy way to deal with events from the X server.

The intention of AXE is to make programming for X a lot easier. It was first developed to teach programming in C++ to students and let them do some graphics without being confronted by the X library. Over the past years it has grown into a framwork that not only encapsulates the resources in the X server, like windows, colors and graphic context, but provides some mechanisms that handle low-level communication with the X server, user interface classes, multithreading and utility classes. Although functionality of AXE overlaps with some other user interface libraries such as gtk+ or Qt, the first goal of AXE is not to be a user interface library. Some of the design goals in AXE are not met yet, but they include features such as dynamically loading of the user interface, a strong set of graphical object functions, image processing, high-level graphics objects and lots more.

To get you started with AXE, this tutorial takes you through a sample application in which some the features of AXE are touched upon. The sample application is a doodle program, where the user can freely draw pictures with the mouse. The pictures are stored as simple polylines with a few attributes. Writing the doodle program will show you how to build an AXE application and create the most basic functions for an application. In this tutorial, I assume you have sucessfully downloaded and installed AXE.

2 A minimal AXE application

In this chapter we'll start writing the very minimum to get an AXE application going. All we do is make a top-level window, draw something in that window and add a button to quit the application.

2.1 The start: class xapplication

Assuming you installed AXE, you can start creating the doodle program. The first thing you need in each and every AXE application is to create an application class, derived from the class xapplication and declare a static object of that class. In the example below, our application class is called doodle and the static object is DoodleApp:

#include <AXE/xappl.h>

class doodle: public xapplication

doodle DoodleApp;

Note that you need to include the header file AXE/xappl.h which contains the definition of the xapplication class. Also note that, other than in classical C or C++ programs, you do not have a main() function. This is taken care of by the AXE library. Next, compile and link the application:
g++ -c doodle1.cpp
g++ -o doodle1 doodle1.o -lAXE -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lXpm
Start the doodle program and you'll see that nothing happes. All this program does is connect to the X server and wait for events that will never come. To do someting visible, we have to create a window and map in on the screen. The main() function in AXE calls virtual functions in the static application object, which you can override in your own application class to get some useful work done. One of the first functions it calls after makeing the connection with the X display is SetupResources. We will now override this function and create a top-level window for doodle (see demos/doodle1.cpp):
#include <AXE/xappl.h>

class doodle: public xapplication
   managed_window *main_frame;

   virtual void SetupResources(void);

doodle DoodleApp;

void doodle::SetupResources()
   main_frame = new managed_window("Doodling with AXE");
We added two items to our doodle class:
  1. The managed_window pointer to our top-level window: main_frame
  2. The overridden fuunction from the base class: SetupResources()
In the SetupResources() function, we create the actual window as a managed_window object. A managed_window is a window like any other window, except that is a direct child of the server's root window and as such is managed by the window manager. The window manager will put all kinds of decorations on our top-level window like a title bar, a close button, a menu button, a border for resizing and that sort of stuff. Your mileage may vary, depending on the window manager you use. We pass the title of our application to the constructor of the managed_window, so we'll know what window we're looking at:
   main_frame = new managed_window("Doodling with AXE");
The window is created but is not visible yet. To show the window on the screen, we have to Map the window with the member function Map(). When you start the program, it will show the empty window with our 'Doodling with AXE' title in the titlebar:

You can do most of the usual things a window manager lets you do with the doodle window. You can minimize and restore or resize and move the window, provided your window manager implements those functions. The one thing you can not do is close the window. The only way to stop doodle1 is to press ctrl-C in the terminal you started the program. This is because we do not handle the proper events to let the window manager close our application. As a matter of fact we do not handle any events at all, but we'll get to that in the next section.

2.2 Drawing in the window

For drawing graphics in X Windows, we need two things. First of all the window to draw in, of course. Second, we need a Graphics Context. A graphics context is a resource in X Windows that defines how graphical primitives are drawn. It holds all the properties such as backround and foreground color, line size and dashing, the font for text strings and much more. The window part of drawing is easy. We just created a window for doodle and all graphical drawing functions are simply member functions of the window class. The graphics context is encapsulated with the gc class. For our first example we will create a gc object with a foreground color of black. This means that everything we draw in the window is black on a white background (assuming the default background of the window is white). To start drawing graphics, we add two lines to our SetupResources() member funtion:

   gc    graphic("black");
   main_frame->DrawRectangle(graphic, 50, 70, 200, 100);

The parameters to DrawRectangle() are: the graphics context, the X and Y coordinates of the top left corner and the size (width and height) of the rectangle. So, this example draws a rectangle that has a top left corner 50 pixels to the right of the left side of our window and 70 pixels down from the top side of our window. The rectangle is 200 pixels wide and 100 pixels high.

Getting a picture in a window is not so hard in itself. However, drawing once and immediately after creating the window is not enough in any practical application. Try some window operations on your fresh drawing after doodle puts the window on the screen. You can resize the window or move windows from other applications over the doodle window and you'll see the rectangle disappear just as easily as you created it. That is because the X server does not remember what you drew in the window. At the moment you call the DrawRectangle() function, the X server renders the pixels to make the area on the screen look like a rectangle and then immediately forgets the request to draw the rectangle. When the doodle window becomes visible again after having been obscured for a while or when the contents of the window are supposed to change for any other reason, all the X server can do is clear the area of the window. It is left to the application to redraw the contents of the window.

Fortunately, the X server lets you know when somthing interesting happens to your windows and when you are supposed to react. It does this by sending events to the application that owns the window where the event takes place. The X server sends lots of events for all sorts of reasons. Events are sent to your application for example when the user clicks a mouse button, moves the mouse, hits a key on the keyboard or makes parts of your window visible. For each type of event, there is a virtual function in the window class. If you want to handle any of those events from the X server, you have to override an event handling function in a class you derive from the window base class. In our doodle application, we will make a new class and a new window. The new window is created as a child window of our top level window and we will draw pictures only in this child window. Generally, it is not a good idea to do all kinds of drawing in the top level window. Any real application uses many windows for various kinds of user interaction and the top level window is used only to organize all these sub windows and interact with the window manager. So, here we go with our own class derived from window, which we will call a doodle_view:

class doodle_view : public window

   doodle_view(window *parent) : window (*parent, 10, 30, 300, 220)
      SelectInput(ExposureMask, 1);

   virtual int EV_Expose(XExposeEvent);

We define two member functions for our doodle_view class: The contructor function doodle_view() and the overridden event handler for Expose events, EV_Expose(). In the constructor, we pass the parent window to the contructor of the base class, window and add the default geometry of our subwindow. The geometry for a subwindow is very similar to drawing a rectangle. The four numbers are the X and Y coordinate of the top left corner, the width and the height of the subwindow, relative to the parent window. Inside the contructor, we tell AXE that we want to handle Expose events by calling SelectInput(). The first parameter of SelectInput() is a bitmask of the events we want to select. The binary values and their names for the mask are the same as the ones defined for the X library. The second parameter is a boolean value which is '1' if you want to turn selection of the events on and '0' of you want these events to be turned off. We also add a little color to the subwindow, so it stands out more clearly in the parent window. The parent window specifies in which window we want to put our subwindow. In doodle, we create the subwindow as a child of the top level window we created earlier. A pointer to the subwindow is created inside the doodle class:

class doodle: public xapplication
   managed_window *main_frame;
   doodle_view    *draw_frame;

The actual creation of the subwindow is put in the SetupResources() member funtion of the doodle class, right after the creation of the top level window:
void doodle::SetupResources()
   main_frame = new managed_window("Doodling with AXE");

   draw_frame = new doodle_view(main_frame);
Note that we have to Map the subwindow, just like the top level window to make it visible.

Finally, we have to implement the event handler function of the Expose event handler, EV_Expose(). As you may have noticed, the DrawRectangle() is removed from the SetupResources() function. We now wait for an expose event from the X server to do the actual drawing. Every time our window becomes 'exposed' the X server sends an Expose event, to which we react by redrawing our rectangle in the window. Here is the implementation of the Expose event handler:

int doodle_view::EV_Expose(XExposeEvent ev)
   gc    graphic("black");

   DrawRectangle(graphic, 50, 70, 200, 100);

   return 1;
Here you see the gc object and the DrawRectangle() again, nearly the same as we previously had in the SetupResources() function of the doodle class. There is one difference: The pointer to the window (main_frame-> in our previous example) is removed from the function call. This is because we are now inside a member funtion of the doodle_view class and our window is passed implicitly as the this pointer of the object itself.

The complete source code of the second doodle example is in the file demos/doodle2.cpp of the AXE distribution. If you compile and run doodle2, it should look like this:

You can now move the window all over the screen, resize it, move other windows over the doodle window and the rectangle we draw in the little yellow window should stay intact.

2.3 Quitting the application

Up until now, we do not have a decent way to quit the doodle application. You have to kill doodle by sending it a signal, like hitting ctrl-C on your keyboard. It's about time to remedy that situation. There are many ways to close an application, like hitting a specific key ('q' for quit might be a good one), clicking on the close button provided by the window manager or providing a 'Quit' button or menu item in the application itself. We will explore all of these possibilities in later chapters. For now, to keep things simple, we will use the keyboard to quit doodle.

When the user hits a key while the focus is on the doodle window, the X server sends a KeyPress event to our application. This KeyPress event is dispatched by AXE to the window on which the key was pressed, just as Expose events are dispatched to the appropriate window. In AXE, you can use any event to quit your application program. All you need to do is return the value 0 (zero) from the event handler function. You may have noticed in the previous section that the EV_Expose() handler function returned the value 1 (one). This return value tells the AXE library not the quit the program after the event is handled. If you return 0 (zero) from an event handler function, AXE will destroy all your windows, close the display connection with the X server and quit the application.

So, to quit doodle on a key stroke, we select KeyPress events next to Expose events in our subwindow and override the EV_KeyPress() event handler function. To select KeyPress events, we add another SelectInput() in our doodle_view contructor:

   doodle_view(window *parent) : window (*parent, 10, 30, 300, 220)
      SelectInput(ExposureMask, 1);
      SelectInput(KeyPressMask, 1);
Next, also in the doodle_view class declaration, we add the declaration of the member function to handle the KeyPress events:
   virtual int EV_KeyPress(XKeyEvent ev);
The implementation of the event handler is very trivial. Just return the value 0 (zero) and doodle will close down when any key is pressed in the light yellow window:
int doodle_view::EV_KeyPress(XKeyEvent ev)
   return 0;
Having any key at all, even the Ctrl or the CapsLock key, quit doodle is a bit cruel, don;t you think. So, let's restrain the quitting to just the lower case 'q' key. When we get an event from the X server in one of our event handling functions, all kinds of information about that event is passed in the ev parameter. Until now, we silently ignored the ev parameter but is this case we need it to find out which key was actually pressed. There is no special provision in AXE to do this. There are Xlib functions that do the job just fine. The one Xlib function we use here is XLookupKeysym(), which extracts information from the XKeyEvent structure and returns a standardized code (a KeySym) of the key that was actually pressed. For most 'ordinary' keys, the KeySym value is the same as the ASCII value. We can use the 'q' key simply by checking the KeySym for the value 'q':
int doodle_view::EV_KeyPress(XKeyEvent ev)
   KeySym   key;

   key = XLookupKeysym(&ev, ev.state & 1);

   if (key == 'q')
      return 0;
      return 1;
With this extra check, you can hit any key you want on doodle, but only the 'q' key makes doodle leave the desktop. You can find the complete source of this example in demos/doodle3.cpp.