XMLDoc Introduction

XML-doc is a collection of stylesheets and utilities, resembling a documentation system like sgmltools and Linuxdoc. The objective is to prepare documentation in XML format. Other formats, like LaTeX, PostScript or HTML are then generated by transforming the XML source document into other formats. The transformation is performed by an XSLT processor and using XSL stylesheets for a specific output format.

Installing XMLDoc

XMLDoc uses the XML and XSLT software libraries from GNOME. You first need to download, configure, make and install these packages from the XML C Library site. Make sure you get the latest libxml2 and libxslt libraries.

The Gnome xml and xslt libraries are also included in the latest Linux distributions, such as RedHat 7.x. You can install the libxml2 and libxslt RPM packages if they are not already installled on your system. To compile the XSLT Processor xp, you also need to install the libxml2-devel and libxslt-devel packages.

Download and unpack the XMLDoc utilities, stylesheets and DTDs from here. The tarball unpacks into a directory 'xmldoc-0.4'. In there you will find:

XMLDoc uses automake and autoconf to compile and install the software. To install XMLDoc, you can do the usual ./configure, make and (as root) make install.

The stylesheets and DTDs are installed in /usr/local/xslt. The utilities go into /usr/local/bin. A 'make install' will copy all necessary files to their proper place. If you want the stylesheets in a different place, you'll have to run the configure script with a --prefix=/other/dir argument.

Using XMLDoc

You are now ready to start writing in XML. Prepare your documents with your favorite editor as usual, doing all the proper XML stuff and use the guide to see how you can make the structure and layout. Convert you document to HTML with xml2html filename.xml, to LaTeX with xml2latex filename.xml or to plain ASCII text with xml2text filename.xml. Both scripts accept a single argument and send their output to stdout. There is one option to these scripts: -s stylesheet allows you to use a stylesheet different from the default. That's all there is to it; enjoy.

If you encounter any problems or if you want to make suggestions, please don't hesitate to drop me an Email