, and &) into their entities. Revision 1.4 2003/07/15 11:03:39 arjen Show the log one day at a time. Revision 1.3 2003/02/21 08:50:12 arjen Database optimizations. Revision 1.2 2003/02/13 09:01:29 arjen All web interface pages use the page class. Revision 1.2 2003/02/05 09:48:14 arjen Added display and handling of notifications ******************************/ // RCSID = "$Id: log.php,v 1.5 2003-08-11 17:59:17 arjen Exp $"; ini_set('include_path', '.:./classes:../phpclasses'); require_once('page.class.php'); class log_page extends page { function Body() { if (!empty($_GET['oid'])) { $res = pg_exec($this->database, "SELECT objectname FROM object WHERE objectid=CAST('" . $_GET['oid']. "' AS BIGINT)"); $obj = pg_fetch_object($res, 0); echo "

Log for " . $obj->objectname . "

"; // Determine which day to display. // This is either from a previous button though a _POST[] variable // or the last day in the log table by default. if (empty($_POST['logday'])) { $res = pg_exec($this->database, "SELECT date_trunc('day',object_timestamp) FROM log WHERE objectid='". $_GET['oid'] ."' ORDER BY object_timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"); $last_time = pg_fetch_object($res, 0); $logday = strtotime($last_time->date_trunc); } else { $logday = $_POST['logday']; } // Make buttons to request the previous and the next day of logs. echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "

" . date('F d, Y', $logday) ."

"; echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; // Show the log for one day only. $res = pg_exec($this->database, "SELECT object_timestamp, servicecode, rawdata FROM log " ."WHERE objectid = CAST('" . $_GET['oid'] . "' AS BIGINT) AND date_trunc('day', object_timestamp)='" . date('Y-m-d', $logday) . "' ORDER BY object_timestamp, logid"); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $row = 0; while ($row < pg_numrows($res)) { $log = pg_fetch_object($res, $row); ?> "; } } } $page = new log_page("Gnucomo system logs"); $page->Showpage(); ?>
object_timestamp?> servicecode?> rawdata)?>