Feb 05, 2003 - Release 0.0.4 ---------------------------- - Added style parameters for diff-like table views and textarea elements. - Display and handle notifications in the web interface. - Display the difference of all package class parameters for two objects in the web interface. - New PHP class added: 'page'. This is a (sort-of abstract) base class for all Gnucomo web interface pages. It hanldes the session, login, opening the database and the head and tail of the web page. - gcm_input creates notifications when a new package is discovered in a 'rpm -qa' list or when the version of a package is changed. - Bug fix: action.statuscode was in upper case. - Added new tables to the database: parameter_class and parameter_notification. - New C++ function: gnucomo_database::new_notification(). retruns the id number of the newly created notification record. - Added new records to the 'type_of_issue' table. - Changed semantics of actionid 9 in the 'action' table. - Bugfix in gcm_input: The hostname in a system log may contain digits as well as letters. - Added new fields to the 'type_of_issue' table. Dec 06, 2002 - Release 0.0.3 ----------------------------- - Directory structure is reorganized and prepared for GNU configure. - gcm_input sets the value of log.processed to FALSE when inserting a new log entry into the database - When a syslog entry arrives from last year, gcm_input subtracts one from the year of arrival to create the year of the log entry. - Gcm_input reads output from "rpm -qa" and enters packages in the parameter table. - Changes to log and log_adv tables described in the manifest. - Added description of gcm_daemon in the design. - Added new program (in PHP): gcm_daemon. - Added a check on the database version in gcm_damon. - Database-login in gcm_damon can be done using TCP/IP or UNIX-sockets. - Gcm_daemon processes iptables-records including ICMP support. - Returning values with ICMP (bounced) are seperate and linked to the same logfile. - Which each new version records that haven't been recognized are processed again through gcm_daemon. - Added program-specific database user and password in config file. - Added new arguments to gnucomo_config::Database(): user and password. If empty, default values are taken from the config file. - Implemented a slightly functional web interface that shows some output from the database.