

DispatchEvent - Dispatch an X event to the receiving window


int xapplication::DispatchEvent(XEvent ev)


This is the central control function in every X windows application. It is called by main to handle all events from the X workstation. After the application is initialized, main just sits in a loop where it reads an event from the workstation and passes the event to DispatchEvent.

DispatchEvent searches the list of all windows that are used by the application to find the window object which should receive the event. The appropriate event-handling function of the target window is then called to handle the event. The table below lists events defined in X windows, the mask needed to solicit the event and the handler function which is called when the event occurs.
Event NameEvent nrMaskHandler
KeyPress 2 KeyPressMask EV_KeyPress
KeyRelease 3 KeyReleaseMask EV_KeyRelease
ButtonPress 4 ButtonPressMask EV_ButtonPress
ButtonRelease 5 ButtonReleaseMask EV_ButtonRelease
MotionNotify 6 PointerMotionMask
EnterNotify 7 EnterWindowMask EV_EnterNotify
LeaveNotify 8 LeaveWindowMask EV_LeaveNotify
FocusIn 9 FocusChangeMask
FocusOut 10 FocusChangeMask
KeymapNotify 11 KeymapStateMask
Expose 12 ExposureMask EV_Expose
GraphicsExpose 13
NoExpose 14
VisibilityNotify 15 VisibilityChangeMask
CreateNotify 16
DestroyNotify 17 StructureNotifyMask
UnmapNotify 18 StructureNotifyMask
MapNotify 19 StructureNotifyMask
MapRequest 20
ReparentNotify 21 StructureNotifyMask
ConfigureNotify 22 StructureNotifyMask EV_ConfigureNotify
ConfigureRequest 23
GravityNotify 24 StructureNotifyMask
ResizeRequest 25
CirculateNotify 26 StructureNotifyMask
CirculateRequest 27
PropertyNotify 28 PropertyChangeMask
SelectionClear 29
SelectionRequest 30
SelectionNotify 31
ColormapNotify 32 ColormapChangeMask
ClientMessage 33
MappingNotify 34

