May 04, 2007 - Release 0.4 --------------------------- - Dynamically allocate more memory if the string buffer runs out of space when reading a String object from an input stream. - Added new arguments to configuration::find_parameter() to allow for a list of sections and a list of parameters in sections. The new arguments are section index and parameter index (default = 0). - Added a copy contructor to the regex class. This prevents multiple frees in the destructor. Mar 29, 2003 - Patch 0.3.1 --------------------------- - String constructor and assignment from char * are more robust from NULL pointers. - Bugfix in the configuration class: Do not read the config file in the home directory if the HOME environment variable doesn't exist. Nov 22, 2002 - Release 0.3 -------------------------- - New functions: String::escape(), String::unescape() - Uses the XML2 library - Bug Fixes in configuration class: segfault when finding a parameters that is not in the user-sepcific config tree. Check if a configuration file exists before feeding it to the XML parser. Sep 28, 2002 - Patch 0.2.3 -------------------------- - Bugfix: In configuration::find_parameter(), check if the parameter node exists before retrieving its contents. - New feature: substring selection by regular expression, with substring String::operator()(const regex &r); - Bugfix: Reading a String object from an istream now checks for end-of-file. - Bugfix: conversion of an empty string to a date or hour object now makes the values of such an object 0 (null) instead of giving a segmentation fault. - The class UTC combines the date and hour classes. The most basic functions of the UTC class are now implemented. These include constructors and conversion to and from String objects. - New functions: date::proper(), hour::proper() and UTC::proper(). Return true if the object holds a proper clock time and/or calendar date; false if at least one value is out of range. Sep 02, 2002 - Patch 0.2.2 -------------------------- - date::format() is now properly implemented - New operator to read an 'hour' object from an istream: istream & operator >> (istream &, hour &) - New function 'String hour::format()'. The default format is HH:MM:SS in 24 hour clock. - New function 'hour now()' read the current time of day. Jul 27, 2002 - Patch 0.2.1 --------------------------- - Improved the XML library configuration. - BUG FIX: testaxe crashed without a config file. - Reinstated the metronome demo - BUG FIX: acltest.cpp included the obsolete complex number test. Jul 25, 2002 - Release 0.2 =========================== - First chapter of the tutorial, see doc/tutorial.xml - Some minor bug fixes - New function window::WindowGravity() - New class: configuration. Reads configuration parameters in an XML file. - Date parsing correctly understands ISO-style dates (YYYY-MM-DD).