Objects Administration
"; $config = new gnucomo_config; $config->read("gnucomo"); // Connect to the database $conn = pg_connect($config->Database($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['password'])); if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Create' && !empty($_POST['objectname'])) { pg_exec($conn, "INSERT INTO object (objectname, log_count, parameter_count, notification_count) VALUES ('" . $_POST['objectname'] . "', '0', '0', '0')"); } if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Remove' && !empty($_POST['objectname'])) { pg_exec($conn, "DELETE FROM object WHERE objectname='" . $_POST['objectname'] . "'"); } $res = pg_exec($conn, "SELECT objectid,objectname, log_count, notification_count FROM object ORDER BY objectname"); echo ""; $obj = 0; //The counters are set to zero $count_logs = 0; $count_notifications = 0; $count_parameters = 0; while ($obj < pg_numrows($res)) { $u = pg_fetch_object($res, $obj); $nr_logs = $u->log_count; $count_logs = $count_logs + $nr_logs; $r = pg_exec ($conn, "SELECT count(paramid) FROM parameter WHERE objectid='" . $u->objectid . "'"); $r = pg_fetch_object($r, 0); $nr_params = $r->count; $count_parameters = $count_parameters + $nr_params; $nr_notifications = $u->notification_count; $count_notifications = $count_notifications + $nr_notifications; ?> "; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

objectname ?>
Log entries Parameters Notifications

$count_logs Log entries$count_parameters Parameters$count_notifications Notifications
"; } ?>

Create new object:

Objects name (FQDN):