system = false; $this->user = false; } function xmlFindTag($node, $tag) { $element = false; $i = 0; // Assume we have PHP5 while (!$element && $i < $node->length) { if ($node->item($i)->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->item($i)->nodeName == $tag) { $element = $node->item($i); } $i++; } return $element; } function read($app_name) { $this->system = false; $this->user = false; $filename = "/etc/" . $app_name . ".conf"; if (!is_readable($filename)) { $filename = "/usr/local/etc/" . $app_name . ".conf"; } if (is_readable($filename)) { $this->system = new DOMDocument(); if ($this->system->load($filename)) { $root = $this->system->documentElement; if ($root->tagName != $app_name) { print("Configuration error: Wrong configuration file.
"); $this->system = false; } } } // First try the user's config in the current dir. $filename = $app_name . ".conf"; if (!is_readable($filename)) { print("Can not read $filename"); if (isset($_ENV['HOME']) && $_ENV['HOME'] != '/') { // Read configurations from the user's homedir. $filename = $_ENV['HOME'] . "/." . $app_name . ".conf"; } } if (is_readable($filename)) { $this->user = new DOMDocument(); if ($this->user->load($filename)) { $root = $this->user->documentElement; if ($root->tagName != $app_name) { print("Configuration error: Wrong configuration file.
"); $this->user = false; } } } if ($this->system == false && $this->user == false) { print("Configuration error: Configuration file for $app_name not found.
\n"); } return $this->system != false || $this->user != false; } function find_parameter($section, $parameter) { $param_value = ""; if ($this->system) { $root_node = $this->system->documentElement; $section_node = $this->xmlFindTag($root_node->childNodes, $section); if ($section_node) { $param_node = $this->xmlFindTag($section_node->childNodes, $parameter); if ($param_node) { $param_value = $param_node->nodeValue; } } } // If the parameter is also defined in the user config, it will override // the system-wide value. if ($this->user) { $root_node = $this->user->documentElement; $section_node = $this->xmlFindTag($root_node->childNodes, $section); if ($section_node) { $param_node = $this->xmlFindTag($section_node->childNodes, $parameter); if ($param_node) { $param_value = $param_node->nodeValue; } } } return $param_value; } } ?>