## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in includedir = $(prefix)/include/AXE lib_LIBRARIES = libAXE.a libAXE_a_SOURCES = xappl.cpp xwindow.cpp font.cpp menu.cpp frame.cpp \ filedialog.cpp \ parsedate.c datelex.c dateyacc.y \ button.cpp edit.cpp scroll.cpp table.cpp geometry.cpp icon.cpp \ string.cpp regex.cpp integer.cpp date.cpp hour.cpp utc.cpp \ amount.cpp out.cpp \ configuration.cpp include_HEADERS = table.h menu.h button.h edit.h scroll.h pixmap.h \ xappl.h display.h xwindow.h frame.h geometry.h icon.h \ color.h font.h pattern.h cursor.h gc.h filedialog.h \ money.h String.h date.h configuration.h dateyacc.h : dateyacc.y bison -d -o dateyacc.c dateyacc.y LDADD = libAXE.a @LIBS@ ## all : testaxe timesheet acltest ##testaxe : testaxe.o libAXE.a ## timesheet : timesheet.o libAXE.a ## acltest : acltest.o libAXE.a